Small Steps Early Childhood Blog

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

EDUC 6162- Week 8: Final Blog Activity

I've had the time of my career exploring U.S. websites and International websites in the early childhood field. Although I haven't received a response from the 2 early childhood professionals, I spent a great deal of time exploring several websites, especially the NACCRRA (The National Association for Child Care Resources & Referrals Agency). I also enjoyed listening to the podcasts featuring the EC Professionals. They addressed goals, efforts and solutions for issues such as poverty, hunger, water instability, literacy, abuse and child rights.

As a result of learning about the international early childhood field, I have gained 3 amazing insights.
1. I share similar goals with the E.C. Professionals featured in the podcasts.
2. I have already donated over $50 to the Feed The Children Foundation.
3. I was able to learn about the efforts that activists took to ensure clean water for all children.

One goal that I am currently pursuing is developing a fundraiser to increase awareness of the importance of literacy for all!

The best part of  sharing my blog experiences is having the support of my colleagues and other early childhood professionals. I don't know where I'd be without my wonderful colleagues!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Week 7: Blog Activity

After visiting and exploring the UNESCO website, I have gained 3 new insights/ideas about issues related to international early childhood education that relate to my professional goals. Literacy begins in the first few years of life. When toddlers are able to recognize symbols such as the McDonalds logo, children are learning to read. Therefore, literacy is significant to early childhood. UNESCO shares important information about literacy. I learned that 1 in 5 adults is not literate and about two-thirds of them are women while 67.4 million children are out of school.

 1. However, UNESCO has been dedicated to improving global literacy by keeping literacy high on national, regional, and international agendas. I admire how UNESCO tries to promote literacy for all.

2. I also discovered that UNESCO advocates for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programmes that attend to health, nutrition, security and learning and which provide for children’s holistic development. This goal is related to the effective practices and programs course that I studied some time ago.

3. I have learned that UNESCO has a goal of finding solutions to increase inclusive education. This is so important because 75 million children are currently excluded from education for several reasons including poverty, disability, inequity, child labor and speaking a minority language. One of UNESCO's main goals is to develop the full potential of every individual.


Saturday, April 7, 2012


At the beginning of this course, I chose to explore the National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA). Amazingly, this organization is currently known as Child Care Aware. I actually like the new name because it captures my attention as a future child care provider. This organization/website has a new area called "ChildCare Aware Training Academy." There are at least 5 additional topics that are highlighted in this new area. They include Getting Started, Business Plans, Management Plans, Training Program Planning and Resources. I chose to search and explore the area of Program Planning. Program planning helps child care providers choose and create lesson plans and fun activities that will nurture children's development. This area offers tips on planning a curriculum that focuses on all areas of child development. The areas of child development include cognitive/intellectual, language/literacy, social, emotional, physical, cultural, and approaches to learning. I did not find any information on this website that directly relates to the issues that I studied this week. However, I get more excited each time I visit this website. There's always something new to learn. Exploring this organization is assisting me with a wealth of knowledge and resources to increase equity and excellence in the early childhood field. Having access to these educational organizations is a constant revelation that no child should be left behind........regardless of their varying needs and abilities!