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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Relationship Reflection

Relationships/partnerships are so important to me. Without relationships, life doesn't have much of a purpose for me. Everyone needs someone. Relationships are the reasons that babies develop emotionally. Without relationships, learning doesn't take place. If learning does take place, application would be useless. Without teachers, parents, and other care providers, many children would not learn to read or even care for themselves. Relationships create a path for language and interaction with others. I love and appreciate everyone that I currently have a healthy relationship with.

Mom has made a difference in my life. The time she spent with me was priceless. We ate at McDonalds every Friday. She allowed me to have friends over as a reward for weekly chores. She worked as a nurse which made it easy for her to care for my eczema as a child.

Dad provided for me and my siblings. Although he didn't make lots of money, he made sure food was on the table and the rent was paid. He encouraged me and my siblings to go to church. He taught us how to give respect in order for us to get respect.

My niece was born 12 years ago. She was the greatest gift that a family could ever wish for. Although her mother lives in a different state, she looks to me as a 2nd mom. She tells me that she loves me because I do everything for her including the laundry, the dishes, cooking and cleaning. She also says that she couldn't ask for a better mom.

My relationships with these people have taught me that the family does have a major impact on the success of a child. I plan to nurture the children in my daycare business the same way that my family nurtured me as a child. The love, affection and time spent with my family is more valuable than any material things that I received as a child.

1 comment:

  1. Tiffiney,
    I liked how you said that life really doesn’t have much of a purpose without relationships and partnerships. It is what life is all about….relationships. I believe that family is our strongest relationships and stemming from that is our partnerships with our friends.
