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Friday, April 13, 2012

Week 7: Blog Activity

After visiting and exploring the UNESCO website, I have gained 3 new insights/ideas about issues related to international early childhood education that relate to my professional goals. Literacy begins in the first few years of life. When toddlers are able to recognize symbols such as the McDonalds logo, children are learning to read. Therefore, literacy is significant to early childhood. UNESCO shares important information about literacy. I learned that 1 in 5 adults is not literate and about two-thirds of them are women while 67.4 million children are out of school.

 1. However, UNESCO has been dedicated to improving global literacy by keeping literacy high on national, regional, and international agendas. I admire how UNESCO tries to promote literacy for all.

2. I also discovered that UNESCO advocates for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programmes that attend to health, nutrition, security and learning and which provide for children’s holistic development. This goal is related to the effective practices and programs course that I studied some time ago.

3. I have learned that UNESCO has a goal of finding solutions to increase inclusive education. This is so important because 75 million children are currently excluded from education for several reasons including poverty, disability, inequity, child labor and speaking a minority language. One of UNESCO's main goals is to develop the full potential of every individual.



  1. Hi Tiffiney,

    I enjoyed reading your blog. UNESCO's website was very helpful in understanding goals and values of professionals in other countries. Thanks for sharing your insights.

  2. Hello Tiffiney,

    I really enjoyed reading the articles and information from the UNESCO website, and I see that you found the webiste to be very benificial and detailed as well. You did a very good job with explaining your insights. Good job on your post.

  3. Available funding source in the early childhood field is important to know as a professional. It is exciting news that the UNESCO has a goal to funding issues for education. Children need to be offered quality care regardless of their economic status or physical development. Finding proper funding can include all children in quality programs.

    Thanks for sharing,
    Andrea Cureton

  4. You did a wonderful job on your blog. The picture that you presented add to the information that was given. UNESCO supports an important life factor that greatly influences the chances a person has in life and that is literacy. Literacy is such an important factor to everyone's daily life and to not have the opportunity to obtain this factor is a very sad case. Thanks for sharing your blog.
