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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Week 3 Blog Assignment: Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

When learning about culture and diversity, it is always an advantage to understand the varying perspectives and how they differ from your own. On my journey of learning about culture and diversity, I talked with 3 individuals about their definition of culture and diversity. I spoke with a Preschool Teacher, a Neighbor and a Relative.

Ms. Jennings  is a preschool teacher. She explained that Diversity is extremely important in school because it really benefits the students that attend the school. Students need to see the importance of other cultures. She went on to explain that diversity is important because it provides more than just one look at a particular issue, world or idea. Diversity helps to create the changes needed, to benefit our country and the world. Ms. Jennings also stated that Culture is a more specific form of diversity that describes the lifestyle of a group of people.

Ms. Alizonda is my neighbor who lives across the street.  She felt that Diversity is important because it promotes unity in a group or an organization. She stated that there will be lots of unique generation of ideas and use of varying skills and talents to help attain goals. Ms. Alizonda explained that she is from India and that she must be submissive to her husband. She does what her husband asks of her. I also learned that she does not use toilet paper in her culture. She stated that this rule is a part of her culture that defines her role as a woman.

Kimberly is my cousin. She explained that diversity is important because it allows people to work together with different kinds of people. It allows for a better understanding of other cultures and ideas. She wants people to understand that culture should be recognized in every country, workplace and school. They include persons of various ethnic groups and interests. She explained that she completed cultural diversity training and this helped her to dispel negative stereotypes about other people.

There was at least 1 aspect of culture and diversity that I studied in this course that is included in the answers I received. Recently, I read the article written by Janet Gonzalez-Mena (Diversity in Early Care and Education).  The article explains how early childhood professionals should be culturally responsive to diverse families.  Ms. Jennings has helped me to understand this by explaining her definition of culture and diversity.

One aspect of culture and diversity that was omitted was food and music. I really wanted more elaboration on the types of food and music that was experienced in each culture.

Hearing other people’s perspectives on diversity and culture has inspired me to do a research activity on cultures around the world. I want to explore cultures that I didn’t know existed before studying topics in this course.


  1. Tiffiney,

    I like that your participants made their definitions based around their experiences. This made the experience of defining those terms, real to them. Thanks for your thoughts!

  2. Tiffiney,
    The definitions you received from the people you interviewed were each unique. I was surprised by the comment made by Mrs. Alizonda concerning bathroom habits.
    I share your feelings in terms of our responsibilities as early childhood professionals. We need to make the efforts to learn about the families we work with and be accepting of the differences if we expect to have a positive impact on the children.

  3. Mrs. Jennings' definition is wonderful and so fitting to the educational field. Teaching children at an early age that there is more than one viewpoint to anything is invaluable. this is not only important to our students, but for us as the teachers to realize as well. Thanks for your post!!

  4. Thanks for your post. I liked how you utilized community individuals and their perspectives on culture and diversity. Its always important to know how other's feel about the community and society in which they live.
