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Saturday, March 3, 2012

EDUC 6162 --Week 1 Blog Assignment


During my journey of becoming an early childhood educator, I am excited and curious to expand my knowledge about child development or any child related issue by contacting 2 early childhood professionals. There is a wealth of resources available in helping me to make my choice. I was able to use The Global Alliance of NAEYC link to conduct my search on the professionals.
1. I am interested in conversing with Blesilda Rios. She is a representative for "The Center for Early Childhood Care & Development." This organization is based in the Philippines (OMEP Philippines National Committee).
2. I am also attempting to communicate with Jane Lim. She represents  "The Association For Early Childhood Educators." This is based in Singapore (OMEP-Singapore).


I feel very eager to explore the naccrra (The National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies). This organization/website is a great advocate for child care. I am planning to operate a home-based daycare center that will eventually grow into a center-based childcare facility. This website will increase my awareness of current childcare issues.


  1. Tiffiney,
    Those were some interesting choices. Best of luck withthat organization. I would also like to open a home based daycare. I haven't put anything into action as yet. These contacts will certainly shed some light on childcare and development nationally.

  2. Tiffiney,
    It is great that you chose two individuals to contact. I wonder how long it will be before you hear from them. I’m still waiting to hear from the people I tried to contact. I wish you the best of luck with your goal of operating a home-based/center-based child care center. I hope you learn as much as possible through the website you chose to explore.
    Thanks for sharing,
