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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

The National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies is changing its name to ChildCare Aware of America. The name change seems more relevant to my professional development. This website explains that a well-trained child care workforce is needed to meet increasing demands. This organization is dedicated to supporting prospective and current child care providers. The NACCRRA has partnerships, programs, and resources that are designed to help child care providers learn more about how to start a childcare business, sustain their childcare business, keep informed on current legislation and policies affecting young children, continue professional development and have access to hundreds of fun, learning activities to do with children in their care. One idea on this website has made me think about issues in new ways. The NACCRRA is leading the first-ever nationwide initiative to prepare childcare programs for disasters. To help ensure the safety of children, NACCRRA offers resources that childcare providers can use in planning for and recovering from any catastrophe that strikes.There are a number of budget bills pending in Congress that could affect child care funding. Parents need child care in order to work, making child care critical to the economy. It is important for parents and providers to inform their Members of Congress know that child care funding is critical in communities.


  1. HI Tiffiney, I like the name change to ChildCare Aware of America. It seems to be more welcoming and reminds anyone coming to the website this is a national approach. Thanks for sharing….

    Andrea Cureton

  2. Hello Tiffiney,
    I want to thank you for this very informative post! The organization you chose to blog about is an entity that every child care professional should know about. From informing of current laws to how to start a center. It is good to hear of an organization that advocates for the children but, also the child care and education professionals. I will be telling my co-workers about this site as more people in our field need to hear of this great resource.

  3. Tiffiney,

    I think them changing the name of the organization is great. The name Childcare Aware of America really stands out. I agree with you that childcare is needed in America. People have to work and go to school to benefit in America. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Tiffney,

    Great Post!!! The information that you shared is very important and relevant to the issues that the childcare workforce is faced with on a daily basis. Because of the economy there has been a major increase in the demand for childcare services. With the resources and assistance provided by the NACCRRA hopefully we can see more high quality centers in the near future.
